Mon - Fri 8:00 - 18:00 / Sunday 8:00 - 14:00

My Story
Welcome to Casa Ananda Retreat. My name is Michele Brevi, I’m an Italian Yoga Teacher, channeler, Ayurveda and Reiki Therapist. I grew up in a small Town in the beautiful Province of Bergamo.
Since I was very young, I had a strong desire to see and explore the word but especially to explore consciousness. My life changed with the encounter of my Yoga teacher Isaac Vasquez Ampuero, a highly advanced yoga teacher from Lima. He made me realize that I was searching for all my answers in the outside word and not in the inside. Thanks to him and many other extraordinary people, I had the fortune to investigate myself.
During my traveling, I learned a lot about yoga, meditation, shamanism and holistic healing.
I start to receive information trough channeling from Pleiadian beings in October 2023. Many people are experiencing this so I’m glad to share my knowledge with all my guests. (
I find myself very lucky to live in this beautiful house (the story of the house is written below) and to have the possibility to invite and welcome people from all over the world.
The story of the house
I arrived in Casa Ananda in 2015 while i was visiting the stunning San Martin region. At that time the place was known as La Casa de Seizo.
The owners were a wonderful Japanese couple that put all their love to create a place of peace and rest.
The house was build in 2011 and most of the original structure is visible today. I somehow connected with the energy of the place and with the magic powers of his guardian: a 90 year Old beautiful Ojè tree.
I entered in this house the 25th of July 2021 starting various renovation and the construction of The Maloca (a typical amazon structure that was traditionally used as a house and for ceremonies), that became our main Yoga Shala.

The land
The land is 8,5 hectares approximate, with two small river know as Rumiyacu (the bigger one) and the Misquiyacu (smaller one).
You can refresh yourself in the river at anytime during your stay or take a walk in the woods.
The water that we serve is underground water that spring out of our land and it is drinkable even without filter (we use just a simple filter for some impurities). The same water it is used for toilet and shower and it is super refreshing and energetic.
The land is located inside a fresh valley at an altitude of 970 m, so it is generally cool at night and we are near the thermal bath of San Mateo (5 min walk from the house) and as they open at 5am it is possible to enjoy the sunrise inside a hot pool of thermal water.
We are located at the end of the City of Moyobamba.
The Philosophy
We are entering the age of light so we have to change completely our believe system and experience different dimensions (also called densities). Our brothers and sisters Pleiadians are already working we us to create a new kind of human being.
This new human being must be capable of divine love. If you love you can overcome duality and be at peace in every situation: in a wood and in a city, in health and in illness, in silence and surrounded by noise. It is not about perfection but to be able to adapt with what life gives to us.
Our sacred spiritual journey is unique so each and everyone of us has to do an internal job to discover his potential and live a full life. Our retreats are designed to encourage this awakening in human beings.